
Alcohol Committee March 2024 Minutes


Alcohol Committee Agenda & Minutes March 13, 2024 @ 7:30 AM

 Shelly HarshaLisa PackerStaff
 Leah RaymerSarah Scott          SusanMetzger
 Brittany GrateWill Scott – CVAmyRhymer
 Amy Hamilton

Mission Statement: The Pickaway Addiction Action Coalition’s mission is to prevent adult and youth drug abuse,addiction, overdose, and deaths. Vision Statement: Moving forward together to end substance use disorders in Pickaway County.

TopicPerson Responsible for Topic
Welcome and Purposeful MomentAmy/Shelly
Finalize our statement and look at the two points of dataAll
Roundtable discussionsAll
Schedule next Alcohol MeetingAll
AgendaItemBoardDiscussionBoardAction Plan
A. Welcome & Purposeful MomentNone 
B. Finalized our statement and look at the two points of dataProblem Statement: Underage youth alcohol use in Pickaway County Two Points of data will be from the Parent Resource Institute for Drug Education (PRIDE) and Ohio Department of Health – Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)  Clarified that it was not a sip of a parent’s drink at a holiday or special function 
C. Roundtable DiscussionResearched the data that was provided to come with our two statementsAmy looked up more data from YRBS and sent the data to the group that was in attendance to go over to make sure we have our two final data statements
D. Data points – Need two to support our problem statement7.3% of students in 7th, 9th, and 11th grades in 2018-19 indicated they drank alcohol 6x/year per the PRIDE survey (Table 4.40)10.6% of students in 9-12 grade drank before the age of 13 in the state of Ohio per the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) 2021.  We will continue to research data for  Age of first use? Frequency of Use?  
H. Additional / OtherThe next alcohol meeting will be held on April 3rd at 7:30AM at PAAC office and will be offered by zoom link.   

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