
Relaunch Coalition December 2023 Minutes

Coalition Name: Pickaway Addiction Action Coalition

PAAC  Coalition Minutes: Relaunch Coalition

Date: 12.7.2023

Mission Statement: The Pickaway Addiction Action Coalition’s mission is to prevent adult and youth drug abuse, addiction, overdose, and deaths.

Location of meeting:  770 N. Court St. PAAC office

List sectors/representatives in attendance

Majority of our sectors were in attendance at the Relaunch.  We also had our board members except

Ty Ankrom, Jayme Fountain, and Shawn Bear

Agenda ItemCoalition DiscussionCoalition Action Plan
Welcome, History of PAAC,Board Members and Board Initiatives  Relaunch and Reconnection with the Community & Schools  Alcohol and Tobacco CommitteesJonathan Davis – introduced board and shared the history of PAAC    Discussed with group our plan and drive in our community and working with the schools and our Youth Prevention Ambassadors Judge Shelly Harsha spoke quickly and to the point regarding the Alcohol committee and meeting info Betsy McGraw from PCHD spoke about the tobacco committee  Brian Stewart, our House Representative, was in attendance and spoke regarding Issue 2 and what is happening at the state house.We will work on replacing board members that have completed their time  Reach out to community members for them to join our coalition  Set meeting time and have people sign up for the alcohol committee Set meeting time and have people sign up for the alcohol committee Attendees need to get involved and write to the state house regarding issue 2 
Youth Prevention Ambassadors        Each school had a youth speak on behalf of their school.Each school would like to work with the resource officers at each school.  Would like to have ore students get involved and to hold monthly meetings
Next meeting agenda itemsSchedule each committee meetings and then plan a coalition meeting at the end of January  

Minutes respectfully submitted by: (signed by the secretary who took the minutes)

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