When Your Teen Is Giving A Party
Set the ground rules ahead of time. Let your teen know what you except of her/him as a host. Rules for the party should include the following:
- Adult supervision
- No drugs, including alcohol
- No smoking
- No leaving the party and then returning
- No gate crashers allowed
- Lights should be left on
- Certain rooms of the house are off limits
- Plan in advance. Go over the party plans with your teenager and set the guest list. A party “by invitation only” can curb the “open party” situation. Keep parties small (10-15 teens per adult). Have plenty of snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. Encourage your teen to plan some organized group activities or games.
- Set a time limit. Set a definite start and ending, not too long. Check local curfew laws in setting an appropriate ending time.
- Know your responsibilities. Explain to your teen that you are legally responsible for anything that happens to a minor who has been served drugs or alcohol in your home. Include your teen in this feeling of responsibility. Guests who bring alcohol should be asked to leave. Be ready to notify the parents of any teens arriving intoxicated to ensure their safe transport home.
- Be visible and available, but keep a low profile. Pick out a spot where you can maintain adequate supervision. You can also bring in snacks and serve beverages.
- Invite another parent or couple. Other adults are company and can help you if you need it.