Drug Free Pickaway
Moving forward together to end substance use disorders in Pickaway County.
How We Help Our Community
The Pickaway Addiction Action Coalition’s mission is to prevent adult and youth drug abuse, addiction, overdose, and death.

Call 2-1-1 for Pickaway Resources
2-1-1 offers comprehensive informational resources including, but not limited to the following: supplemental food and nutrition programs, shelter and housing options, utility assistance, employment and education opportunities, addiction prevention, support groups, domestic violence assistance, healthcare, veteran services, and more.

Safe Medication Disposal
We provide Deterra Disposable Pouches to residents of Pickaway to safely dispose of medicine.

Crisis Text Line
Need to talk to someone right away? Text 4hope to 741741.
What to Know
News about PAAC and tips to help parent navigate subjects around drugs, technology, and mental health.

Know! to Create Healthy Sleep Habits
A good night’s sleep is essential for young people’s growth, development, and overall well-being. However, in today’s busy world, it can be challenging to prioritize healthy sleep habits. In fact,

Youth Council Insight
In this month’s Youth Council Insight, we asked our youth to share what change means to them. This not only gives them a voice but also provides us, as Adult Allies,